Increase your cash flow... without putting in more hours!
FREE assessment style calculator reveals your blind spots and what you're missing so that you finally see that consistent cash flow month after month 🙌
You DON'T Have To Put In More Hours or Post More On Social To Succeed!
I’m Aimee Cerka 👋
The Money Confidence Coach here to make money simple for the female business owner who is ready to break out of the stress, struggle and frustration and hamster wheel.
Things felt like they were a struggle for a long time….
Even growing up in school, I can remember sitting at the kitchen table crying to my Mom because it just wasn’t fair.
Math came easy to my brother and I had to work at it. I made decent grades but it felt like I ALWAYS had to put in so much more work.
That pattern continued - I was a young single mom when my first son was born and it was a struggle just to try to make ends meet. I would hear friends and work colleagues talk about doing extra curricular activities with their kids, or weekend trips and I just didn’t know how that was even possible when I was trying to keep clothes that actually fit on my son and making sure food was on the table.
I was doing all the right things! I was in the personal finance industry and had started my first business, so that I could eventually be home full time and be there for my son in the everyday moments.
Diving into personal development and getting raises at work. A few years later after I had married my husband at the time and was a couple months pregnant with my second, I left my job so that I could stay home and grow my business. 3 days later the struggle hit again, when a business deal went bad and we went to 0 income overnight.
We scrambled and found something for him to do work but when Wyatt my 2nd was born, he had an undiagnosed birth defect and had to be transferred to the local children’s hospital. He had his first surgery at less than 48 hours old and was in the NICU for 7.5 weeks.
Though I was able to be there for Wyatt everyday like I had so desperately wanted, I felt like I wasn’t doing enough and like I had failed my family.
Have you felt that? Feeling the struggle and wondering how everyone else makes it?
Then a few years later I was working with a mindset coach who helped me uncover something powerful…
I was woken up to something and leaned in - learning all that I could and applying it in a practical manner. Here’s what I found
Although I had been budgeting myself.
Although I had created a personal budgeting system and a business budgeting system that my clients raved about the simplicity and how empowering it was to use.
Although I was doing bookkeeping work, and even teaching others how to actually use QuickBooks correctly in a way that made sense.
All those actions. The summit I hosted, the blog, the weekly video show, the podcast interviews, the visualizations, the mindset training, etc, etc, etc.
It was just part of the equation.
And it’s not even the biggest part of the equation.
If you’re like every other online business owner that I’ve met... You’ve also wondered if you failed or you feel like you’re behind.
You see the thing that coach helped me realize that sparked that journey was that I created a story and was telling myself I had failed my family when Wyatt was in the NICU.
All because I hadn’t hit my income goal yet in my business, the problem with that is… It was never about the income goal. It was what the income would do for me, which was allow me to be there for my son when he needed me, and I was.
The stories we tell ourselves, the emotions we feel, the inner work, is so much more powerful than the tactile step by step work.
To truly step into your unstoppability it's not just about what you do, it's about how you feel when you do it.
That’s why I do what I do now.
The work I do as a Money Confidence Coach - I know that doing the budgeting, the step by step strategy isn’t enough. We have to have a deep understanding of the mental and emotional side of money, so that we make more sales than ever before and truly feel successful when you do it.
It's not just about financial education - it’s about creating a safe supported space for you to go beyond the numbers and step into the embodiment of your unstoppable life.
If you find that you’re struggling to feel successful, to hit your revenue goals I’m here to help you go from struggle to unstoppable just like I did - click the button below to get a personalized recommendation of where to start.
As a Money Confidence Coach - my goal is to help you get out of just going through the motions.
I know when you fully embody the Unstoppable Finances Framework, then...
You won't run yourself ragged feeling like you have to do all the things - all the time just to try to keep your head above water
You won't be pushing my kids on the swings at the playground but completely distracted while you do it worried about money
If Amazon packages showed up on the front doorstep you aren't embarrassed because you had systems in place and you had worked through the mindset patterns you have around spending money and specifically spending money on you.
And you don't feel the pressure of constantly trying to hit the next income goal as soon as you hit the last one. In fact, you realized that that hamster wheel wasn't the type of goal or success you was looking for.
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