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Are You Set Up To Achieve Wealth?
Did you know there is a difference between having a high income and being wealthy?
Well, there is.
In fact, the majority of high-income earners aren’t actually wealthy…
High-income earners can end up in a worse situation with their money. Especially if they aren’t making conscious choices about their finances. But we’ll have to save that topic for another day.
In this video, I’ll share 1 major thing that you need to be doing to build wealth.
Hint it’s not a new thing. You’ve heard it before. Now you just need to act.
Watch the video below where I explain
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YOUR ACTION STEP FOR TODAY – Make a decision to start to create wealth today. Grab the 3 Step Simple Action Plan To Start A Budget so that you are able to actually fulfill your commitment of creating wealth.
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Transcription of Are You Set Up To Achieve Wealth?
Hey there, today I wanted to clarify something. There is a difference between making a lot of money, and being wealthy. And before I dive into that I wanted to quickly introduce myself. If we haven’t met before. Hi, my name is Aimee Cerka, super excited that you are joining us here today.
So, what is the difference between making a lot of money and actually being wealthy? And you don’t have to make a lot of money to be wealthy, and a lot of people who make a lot of money aren’t wealthy. Let’s go ahead and explain the difference wealth is about the money that you actually keep.
So let’s say you earn $50,000 a year, but you spend $50,000 a year, you’re not wealthy because you’re not saving money there, you’re not improving your net worth.
Having a bigger network is what’s going to make you wealthy, but in the same instance if you make $250,000 a year, a quarter of a million year, which is great income. But if you’re spending $250,000 a year, you’re still not wealthy. So somebody who makes $50,000 a year, but puts $10,000 a year into savings, they’re set up to be wealthy way faster than it would ever happen for somebody who is making $250,000 a year, but then also spending that.
Your goals when you’re setting and creating your financial goals, it shouldn’t just be about making more money. It should be about keeping more of your money. How much money do you have left at the end of every month? How much money do you have left at the end of every month is it nothing, have you spent more than what you’ve earned, or are you putting money in savings or in your investments consistently, month after month after month? That’s what’s gonna set you up for wealth.
And it doesn’t have to be big amount start small. $5 $25 whatever you can manage start accumulating wealth, instead of just spending everything instead of focusing on just making more money.
Let’s start growing our net worth and improving our financial situation.
Hey there, I hope that you found that video helpful, I’ve got a free gift that I want to make sure that I get to you. It is my three-step simple action plan to start a budget. So, if you are somebody who’s struggled to stay consistent with a budget, or you don’t have one at all. This is going to be a great place for you to get started and I’d love to get your hands on this so what you can do in order to access this, you can go directly to www.aimeecerka.com/103. Or depending on where you’re watching this video there’s going to be a button directly below the video or in the description. Make sure you can go ahead and get your hands on that, and we’ll see you later. Bye.
YOUR ACTION STEP FOR TODAY – Make a decision to start to create wealth today. Grab the 3 Step Simple Action Plan To Start A Budget so that you are able to actually fulfill your commitment of creating wealth.
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