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196: Back to Basics – Budgeting Better In Less Time

In this back to basics episode, I’ll guide you on the path to solidify your financial foundations, making it easier to achieve massive growth. We’ll explore how asking the right questions and implementing simple, effective systems can help you manage your budget and prioritize spending effortlessly, despite life’s inevitable challenges.

If you’re ready to eliminate financial shame and step into an unstoppable life, tune in to learn about creating sustainable abundance with these practical systems.

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Podcast Key Points

1:03 – What could change to make this a reality
1:35 – The right system does the brunt of the work for you
2:20 – Simple systems are the most effective way to create long term sustainable abundance
2:50 – You don’t have to do it all!
3:25 – Prioritize what you’re spending time and money on

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Back to Basics Series

Today we are in a Back to Basics series. Over the next few weeks, we’ll talk through the foundational pieces that make a massive difference in your finances. This short and sweet series I’m pulling out of the vault will help you solidify your finances and open the door to quickly see massive growth. So let’s get to it.

Making Your Finances a Priority

If you feel like you just don’t have time to make to budget, make your finances a priority. Like you know it’s important, but like it just, it’s not a priority right now. The bills still get paid, so you’re doing enough. I get it.

Finding Time for Important Things

Specifically, I remember feeling like I just didn’t have the time to add in this extracurricular item for my kids. It sounded great getting into nature, exploring a good way for them to make great friends that were really aligned, it was family oriented and all of those things. And we all have those things that we just can’t handle right now. But the key came when I began to ask the right questions was how could this be possible?

Making Your Goals a Reality

What could change to make this actually a reality? And we did make it a reality and it was completely game changing. We enjoyed it so much. It was just what we were looking for to add things in, you know, seeing growth in the kids, seeing their skills improve, seeing the friendships that blossom. All of those things began by asking the right questions.

Creating a Budget with the Right System

How can this be possible? Comes down to the right system and a system that is set up to do the front of the work for you. So it doesn’t take a lot of time and if done correctly, it can handle it. If it doesn’t get done on time, like it has a buffer built into it, right?

Seeing Growth in Your Finances

If your money was working for you on autopilot, growing wealth, prioritizing you, spending money on the things that are important, protecting you long term from changes in the economy. And it only took maybe 30, 30 minutes a week to check on what would that do for you? I know for several of my clients they had hope again. You’ll have fun and want to keep up with like the work because it’s not actually a chore.

Creating Long-Term Abundance

And you’re also going to see that long term consistent progress because these simple systems are the most effective way to create long term sustainable abundance. Now often I hear it’s like a mix of like, wow, how the heck do you get all this stuff done? Because there’s a lot on my plate, there’s a lot that I manage and you don’t have to do it all, but the reason that I am able to do what I do is because simple systems are like my jam.

Simple Systems for Financial Abundance

That is what I know how to create and I know how to do and I know how to leverage all these things. So it’s not that you are going to have to do what I do. So you’re going to take these simple systems that are already created, already in place to help you create that financial abundance and you could just plug and play and keep on going with a system that actually works for you.

Handling Unexpected Expenses

So you’re probably getting we’re on the same page now. You need simple systems in place to create financial abundance and still be able to prioritize what you’re spending your time on and your money. But you might be thinking, well, what about when life happens? Unexpected expenses come up or things just get off track?

What to Do When Things Go Wrong

Because I’ve tried some of this stuff before and it just didn’t work. Because you know something, I did all this work and something happened and it blew all of my work out of the water and it just sucked. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered because I get it. And we’re going to talk about how to handle that and be able how the system even can handle that in the next video.

Dealing with Financial Shame and Guilt

If you’re struggling with shame and guilt around your finances, whether it’s debt impulse, spending, mistakes from the past, or the fact that you still haven’t hit your income goal, then it’s time for you to work with me. There’s There are different levels of support and price points that you can use on the path to removing that guilt and shame so you can step into your unstoppable life. After all, your finances are unique to you and your support should be too.

Getting Started with Financial Support

Go to to get started with one of my most popular programs, or you can book a Q and A call with me. We’ll figure out what your next step should be. And of course, all those links are hanging out in the show notes as well.

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Aimee Cerka
Aimee Cerka

Money Confidence Coach - I make money simple for female business owners. By blending together simple strategies, and mindset work to simplify your money so that you can step into your unstoppable life. It's time to go beyond the numbers, so you can finally embody your ideal life. Click Here to Learn More

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