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Ep. 181 – Breaking Down Hidden Energetic Barriers To Success
In this episode of Your Money Your Life, I delve into the profound impact of energetics and emotions on our finances. I’ll share a deeply personal story I’ve never revealed before—about how my frustrations in business unexpectedly affected another aspect of my life.
We’ll explore the importance of addressing emotional barriers and how they can be as crucial as actionable financial strategies. Whether you’re feeling behind or overwhelmed, this episode offers insights to help you unlock your unstoppable potential.
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- Execution Lab – Annual Offer – https://aimeecerka.com/labannual
- Cashflow Calculator – https://aimeecerka.com/cashflow
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Podcast Key Points
0:00 – Episode Overview
1:58 – I just need results now
3:13 – Never shared before story
7:49 – Energetics showed up in a completely different area
8:55 – Seeing the “faking it energy” in photos
10:26 – Accelerating your success
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Breaking Down Hidden Energetic Barriers To Financial Success
We’ve talked a lot about the energetics and emotions and your energy, how we show up last week. We know we discuss the masculine and the feminine energetics. We talked a lot about the holiday sale and so many times. All here. You know, I just, I don’t have time for that right now. Like, I just have to do this thing. I have to get this figured out. I have to do this.
A Story I’ve Never Shared
And today I’m going to share with you a story that I’ve never shared before with a, a client on the podcast, on social media, any of those things ever. All right, we’re going to talk about this and it’s something because, you know, I felt the same way. It was like I don’t have time. And this is exactly what happened. That kind of proved that I had to have time, but I didn’t realize it for years. All right, you’ll understand when we get into it.
I’m so glad you’re welcome back to the Your Money, Your Life podcast. I’m your host, Amy Circa today we’re kind of talking about energetics emotions when it comes to your finances again. But there’s a story that I’m going to share with you that I’ve never shared before publicly.
Frustration and Business Goals
And it’s something that actually I’ve never shared with my clients business. I think I can only remember one friend that I’ve actually told this to in person. Okay. This isn’t like anything I really talked about, even personally, but so many times I hear I just don’t have time for that right now. Like, we have to figure this out whether we’re it’s the pressure that’s showing up, whether we’re feeling behind, which I think we’re going to dive into more some of that next week.
Need for Action
But when these things show up and we feel like I just don’t have time to work on the energetics, I need to do all of the step by step. Like, just give me the action. I need to take the action. I need to do the thing. I need to see the results, and I need to see the results now. And I don’t have time for any of that emotional stuff.
My First Business
Right. Like, I don’t have time to work on the energetics. I don’t have time to do it. We’ll figure it out later, which is the exact same thing we do. And we say, like, you know, I don’t have time to rest and yeah, all of those things. But this was, oh, my goodness, 11 years ago, maybe. My. I was working in insurance at the time, and my son had already started my first business.
Daycare Experience
I was with a network marketing company at the time. We were doing personal or. Yeah, personal development. Network marketing company. And, you know, I’m the action taker, right. Like, I’ll do the things, like just tell me what to do and I’ll go do it. Right. This, this was me, but my son was in a daycare, an in home daycare, and it was fantastic.
Daycare Challenges
She was phenomenal. It was somebody who was able to work with us because, you know, it was an in home daycare. So, like, sometimes when I needed to take trips, William was able to stay there with her. Of course, like, I paid her extra, but he was able to stay there with her and it was somebody he knew and I knew he was safe and all those things. Great arrangement. She’s phenomenal setup. She had. She did so many, like, arts and crafts.
Goals and Frustration
It was truly almost like a little Montessori preschool. And I know that she had had a background doing some of that as well. So, like, he was doing these crafts, he was doing the things. It wasn’t like, you know, he was just sitting there watching TV all day or whatever. But it was a great, great environment. I loved having him there. It was. It helped so much, like, for me to feel okay with the fact that he was still in daycare because, you know, I was the go-getter.
Initial Goals
I had set the high goals. It was like, I’m going to be done. I’m going to be able to be working for myself full time. I could leave insurance and be home with him in the everyday moments. Like we talk about all the time I just rerecorded a video for my website. I’ll have to link it in the show notes because we updated the about me. Um, and I. I’m really happy with how it turned out.
The Original Dream
But anyways, so the original goal, the whole reason why I started my business, my first business originally, was to be able to be there with my son in the everyday moments. Like, I had a boss that was great about letting me get off whenever, like, he was music or there was events, parties, whatever those things were. But, like, this was the dream, right? And this was really always the dream. Okay, we’ll. We’ll side tangent, side step story, right?
Changes to the Plan
Even, like, growing up, you know, middle school, early high school, more middle school probably. But, you know, when they talk about, like, what do you want to do when you grow up? All of those things. I want to be. I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I had this whole thing visioned out. I live in Texas. I was going to have my ranch. My veterinarian practice was going to be, like, at the front of the property.
Family Dreams
So when the kids got home from school every day, like, I would still be able to be there and I was going to be able to work and do those things. I did see how long veterinarians had to go to school and the amount of income that they can make. And then I kind of developed an aversion to blood. So, yeah, that was out of the picture. But this was always the dream, right? Like, I always wanted to be able to be there for my family.
Importance of Family
That’s always been something that’s been important to me. So when I started the business, the network with. With the network marketing company, and I had the goals to be able to leave and to be able to work from home full time and do those things. Like, I went in and did the work, so it felt like it should happen, right? And there was such a frustration with myself that I had created because it’s like I should have been further along by now.
Feeling Behind
This, it’s the feeling behind, right? Like, this should have already happened. I’ve done the things. Why is this not working? What’s wrong with me, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, right? But all of this tension building up that was just like, within me. I was frustrated with myself. And, you know, I’m still going to work, still doing the things. We’ve got friends. William’s still at the daycare, right?
Daycare Problems
But what happened was the provider for the daycare came to me one day and was like, I need you to Find somebody else. Like, he’s not going to be able to come here anymore because I feel like you. Hate. I don’t remember the exact word was. It was like, it wasn’t. I don’t think it was hate.
But like, you, you can’t bring him here anymore because I feel like you don’t like me and you don’t like the situation. And it’s not something I’m going to continue to have. Like, I don’t want to continue to have this work relationship. I loved having him there. I absolutely loved it. Like, it was so much peace, all of those things. Like, it was great. My frustration was with myself and probably a couple other areas of my life, but really the frustration was with myself about the results that I was seeing within the business at the time.
Emotions Affect Everything
I. The energetics, the emotions of one area showed up in a completely different area. And we do this all the time. If we are frustrated at work, you know, it can bleed over into our relationships if we are doing. There’s so many things, like, they overlap. So when we talk about the fact that when you take care of the mindset, when you work on the emotions, when you do these things and we embody it, you’re already successful.
Believe in Your Success
You just have to see it. You’re already unstoppable. You just have to see it. You’re like, the happiness, the success, it’s already there. You just have to be able to see it within you. And when we do that part, it unlocks all these other doors because the resistance is gone. Like, when you’re frustrated with yourself, when you’re doing all those things and we’re trying to put on the facade, like, okay, hey, we’re still happy. Things are great.
Reflection on Growth
I should give you another interesting side note here. When I was working on my About Me page that I noticed, but those things are visible. Yeah. Let’s have this side note. Okay. So I was working on the About Me page, right. Totally wasn’t going to talk about this. And going through finding updated pictures to kind of add to it.
Looking Back at Photos
Going through my, like, you know, Google photos, trying to find, like, the timeframes that I’m looking for those things, the key points. And it was interesting. I can see it’s probably about a year or so. I don’t like the way those photos look at all. And it has nothing to do with, like, physical appearance or any of those things. Like, wait, none of that.
Energetic Differences
And like, sure, I’m happy. I’m smiling with my kids and those things, but I can see energetically how frustrated, how done I was with certain things in my life. And it shows up on the, in the picture on my face, even though like I’m still smiling and I’m doing the things and we were posting on social media, we’re going on the trips, all of these things. But in reality, what was actually going on, you can see it on my face energetically that things were not aligned.
Growth Over Time
And clearly this is not something that I had figured out for a while. This is something that it’s been, you know, a progress growth over the last five years. There’s been a lot in the last 12 months. Right. But growth over the last five years, the things that I’ve learned and things that we’ve done to be able to really embody this. But if I can help you figure this out faster than I did, you’re going to be so much farther ahead.
Taking Action
So, yes, I know we need to take the action. We need to do the step by step strategy. We need to do those things. And I’ve got all of it for you. Right. Like that’s, I have that systems mindset we created the budgeting systems. I have all that. I’ve got it to give it to you. It’s there. But if I can help you figure out the energetic portion of this, you’re going to be light years ahead.
Available Programs
All right, that’s kind of what I’ve got for today. And really, I know the Unstoppable Experience is open. It doesn’t matter when you’re listening to this, if you’re listening to it when it goes live. We’ve got the holiday sale going on right now. You get two extra months. Make the decision now to work on your finances. And we’re going to work together through the end of 2025.
Execution Lab
If the Unstoppable Experience is not for you yet, if like you can’t do the investment yet. Execution Lab is available as an annual offer, so you can grab a year. Then we’re still going to work together for the next 12 months. It’s going to be a different capacity, obviously, but you’ve got that once a month check in and we can really start to dive into some of those things. I’ll make sure the links for those are in the show notes.
Links and Next Week’s Topic
It’s aimeecerka.com/holiday has all of the holiday offers on it. But we’ll link to the Unstoppable Experience and the annual option for Execution Lab if you’re not sure what your next step should be. And actually, you know, we’re going to talk about this next week. I’m going to record it here in a minute, but there was a question that I received in the client community a couple weeks back, and I think it’s something that we all deal with and essentially it’s like when we’re afraid to trust ourselves because we’ve bought all the things and we haven’t actually used it.
Stay Tuned for More
How do we navigate that? So if you’re feeling that, make sure to listen to next week’s episode. If you have questions and you’re wondering what the right situation, the right step for you should be, send me a message on Instagram or there’s a link on the holiday page to book a call with me and we can chat live. Either of those works. But you know what? I’m busy. We can do it on Instagram. Not a big deal because I know you’re busy too. All the links are going to be in the show notes. That’s it for now. We’ll see you next time.
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