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You’ve probably created a vision board before, right? Or at least set a monetary goal? How many of those have you achieved? And how many of those have you had to reset over and over and over again.
Inside this episode, we’re talking about how to create a monetary vision you can obtain, and the major problem you need to be aware of if you’re constantly having to reset your goals or you’ve hit them only to fall back again. There’s a reason for that cycle and a way to break it! Let’s do this!
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To dive deeper into goal setting and your monetary vision – check out the Academy – https://aimeecerka.com/academy
Instagram – https://instagram.com/aimeecerka/
Podcast Keypoints
0:00 – Intro
1:58 – Workshop Style
2:34 – Where Do You Want To Be in 5 Years?
3:42 – Why Does It Matter?
7:27 – Cognitive Dissonance
9:17 – When Your Goals Feel Unattainable How To Fix It
10:16 – Do You Need Date-Specific Goals
11:37 – Your Challenge – What Is A Part Of Your Vision That You’re Excited About?
Frustrated that you aren’t making the progress that you should within your finances? Create an unshakable money mindset with the Money Mindset Mastery Checklist
Read It! Creating A Monetary Vision You Can Obtain
You’ve probably created a vision board before, right? or at least set a monetary goal.
How many of those have you achieved, and how many of those have you had to reset over and over and over again.
Inside this episode, we’re talking about how to create a monetary vision you can obtain. And the major problem you need to be aware of if you’re constantly having to reset your goals. Or if you’ve hit them only to fall back again. There’s a reason for that cycle and a way to break it.
This is the Your Money Your Life podcast, where ambitious women come together to have clarity, prosperity, and confidence with their money without sacrificing precious time, and well deserve fun. So let’s do this!
Welcome to the Your Money, Your life podcast. I’m your host, Aimee Cerka.
After my husband and I faced three major financial roadblocks in the last six years, I felt like I wasn’t doing all that I could and I had let my family down. It always felt like life was a struggle like I had to work harder than everyone else. It just came easy to them, and I didn’t feel worthy of success.
Until a coach helped me see the successes in our experiences instead of our failures. This allowed me to create and implement systems to grow our network by 200,000+ while spending time with my loved ones and on my priorities. Now I help motivated women create the happiness, family life, financial security, and long-term wealth they deserve
If you’re ready to eliminate stress, struggle, frustration, and guilt within your finances, you’re in the right place. Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!
Setting and Achieving Your Monetary Vision
Welcome back to another episode of the Your Money Your Life podcast. I’m your host, Aimee Cerka. we’re talking about monetary vision today in setting a monetary vision you can actually obtain.
So got a couple of questions here for you that we are going to work through, this might be one that it would be good to listen to like obviously, listen through once now. But maybe listen back through it again, when you can pause and kind of implement as they go. Because you could make this almost like a workshop-type thing.
Defining Your Financial Vision
So the first question I’ve got for you today, when you’re setting your monetary vision is where do you want to be in five years, or 10 years from now.
And we have to be detailed, we’re gonna go into like some questions to help you like really flush this out. Oftentimes, we overestimate what we can accomplish in a shorter period of time, either a year, a couple of months, all those things, but we underestimate what we can actually accomplish in that long-term, long timeframe.
Because, honestly, in the last 10 years that I’ve been in the personal finance industry, and then I’ve had a business of some sort. I don’t know. I mean, I probably had an idea with the business side of what I wanted things to look like.
But it wasn’t as I mean, it looks different now because things evolve. But never mind, we’ll get to that in a second. Okay.
So where do you want to be in five years? or 10 years from now? And why? Why do you want that?
What is that going to be able to do for you, maybe it’s a really nice home, a big home, maybe it’s travel, maybe it’s an organization you want to start I mean, the whole thing. I’m gonna give you some examples in a second on, like how we can really draw this out. Because we need the more visual visualized, visualization. The more visualization that we can do behind this, the more powerful it’s going to be.
Why is Your Vision Important?
So we need to know why you’re going to do this. What is that going to do for you? What, how will you feel when you wake up? What time are you waking up? Even? How will you feel when you’ve accomplished this thing that you’re working towards?
And I can tell you right now, even talking about this, it’s really, I have to be very aware of the fact that where I want to be five years, 10 years from now isn’t necessarily where you want to be five years, 10 years from now.
But when you do this exercise so frequently, that you’ve ingrained in, you know where you’re going, like even just talking about it, I can see it. I can see See the house, I can see waking up, I can see my office on the ranch, I can see the life that I have with my kids and my husband and I can seal those things.
Because I’ve done this so many times. And that’s what’s important to me, I can see working out of that office like I talked about and working with the Money Master Inner Circle Academy clients having private clients, I can see hosting a mastermind at my ranch using the guest house to give the group a weekend away, we can have a full weekend, have fun, together and mastermind and do all those things because we have that in place.
But again, what it is for me isn’t necessarily what it is for you. Is it having somebody to come clean the house for you? Is it having somebody come do the laundry? Is it having somebody help with the kids? Is it giving back and seeing that smile on those kids’ faces when you’ve made their dreams come true where you gave back and you sent a group of foster kids to Disney World or you started neutral organization.
For myself? I know it’s the NICU families that I want to help support that relief on that mother’s face knowing that they don’t have to stress about the money and they can focus on that little baby. How’s it going to feel for you? What is this going to do for you?
The Power of Visualization
So we talked about making it tangible. So pictures, electronic is great. But there is something tactile that only happens when it becomes physical. So I have several boards up in my room, I have one that is like relative to 2022. Right now that I have my 2022 vision board up with things that I really want to accomplish this year.
We’d like to see come to happen this year. And I have more long-term some of the travel destinations, the big house that we want to build, be inside of that what that looks like, some of those things are on a different board.
But make a tactile poster board, something like that. I want to know though how does it feel to create this? In the back of your head? Are you still saying like how the heck am I going to do this or yeah, I’ve done this before and I don’t, it just feels out of reach, it’s not going to happen.
Overcoming Cognitive Dissonance
And then I’m going to lead to disappointment. So I’m not even going to do it again. That would be cognitive dissonance showing up.
When we try and create a reality, reality that is a big jump from anything that we’ve done in the past for wanting to self-solve self-sabotage to protect ourselves because it doesn’t feel possible. So your brain saying that’s not possible. And that is a reason why many will have a high-income month or one-time event. And they can’t sustain it.
Because they didn’t have the systems in place or cognitive dissonance kicks in, a money ceiling you heard of that before?
Breaking the Money Ceiling
So oftentimes, we create these money ceilings that we feel like we can only make a certain amount. So maybe you’ve made $60,000 a year in your corporate job. And you’ll make $60,000 a year in your business but you haven’t sustained it or you can’t grow past it.
You’ll go past it and come back, grow past it and come back, you have money ceiling of $60,000. And then instance, once you’re aware that you have that money ceiling going on once you’re aware that the cognitive dissonance is showing up, you can work on raising your money ceiling, you can work on removing that cognitive dissonance.
It doesn’t have to be it’s not like you’re out like you can’t do it anymore. We can change these things. This all goes back to our money mindset, the way that we set these things up.
For long-term success, we have to become aware of where we are self-sabotaging because we are all self-sabotaging. We have these habits, we have these patterns that are built to protect us but they are not protecting us from the growth that you were looking to achieve long term.
So if you have a money ceiling, and let’s say having that notorious six-figure year, you want to have a six-figure or six-figure month, six-figure day, whatever it might be. And you say that because you know that’s the thing was right. But it doesn’t feel right? Does it feel actually attainable? What does feel attainable?
Setting Realistic Milestones
It can be something simple, again, small, incremental steps, we’re going to overestimate where we can get in the short term, but underestimate where we can get long term.
So if you feel confident that you can make $100 This week or $100 This month, even if that’s a bigger step for you. Start there When you hit that, because you’re not self-sabotaging, then you can double it 200/250, And even like saying double, it might freak you out a little bit, start where we can, with our money ceilings, and the cognitive dissonance.
Removing Time Pressure
Another strategy we talked about is not setting dates. So maybe we’re not looking specifically at five years, 10 years down the line as like a hardcore date, just like more of his timeframe. And don’t put that pressure on yourself like to have it done by a certain time. This is what you would like to create, or the steps that you would need to get there.
So for the big grant, I would like to have a different home first, before we go to the bigger ranch home, which easily, we could buy the property and have one house on there and then we’ll upgrade build the new house later on down the road, that would totally work. But I know there’s probably going to be a step there is going to be a stepping stone house in between the big ranch home that I’m looking for. And it’s funny, I say ranch home, but it’s not really a ranch home because it’ll be to place two stories, which is not theoretically a ranch home.
But we’re getting into the details here, we’re talking about your money vision. And if you are feeling uncomfortable with the setting the timeframe on it, just don’t do it. Look at the vision of where you want to go. Don’t get caught up in the date and the time just focus on the life that you would want to create. And then you’ll be able to create it.
The Challenge
So your challenge for today I want to hear what is a part of your vision? Where do you want to be? What do you get excited about you get lit up, you can just see the excitement, the fire.
We had a conversation the other day at a church event. And they started talking about you know, the Academy and the work that I do and you could just the person I was speaking with made the comment that you could tell I was totally in my zone that I totally love what I do, because of the way that I lit up and got animated and started talking. And if you know me, you know I’m an introvert so it’s like the dichotomy there. But you can tell it was something you’re passionate about.
So your challenge today I want to hear what about your vision lights you up? What about your vision gets you excited? What are you looking forward to? What are you creating?
What is that going to do for you?
Send me a message on Instagram at @aimeecerka I can’t wait to hear from you. We’ll see you next week for another episode Your Money Your Life podcast bye for now.
Connect with Aimee Cerka
Thank you so much for listening to the Your Money Your Life podcast. My favorite place to hang out is on Instagram. You can find me at @aimeecerka. Send me a message or post a screenshot and tag me! I love hearing from podcast listeners
When you’re ready to master your money, go to https://workwithaimee.com. You and I will work together to ditch financial stress and struggle for good with a customized plan that works for you, your goals, your priorities, your life. I’ll see you next time on the Your Money Your Life podcast.
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