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Ep. 195 – Back to Basics – Discover the Power of Play Money

In this episode of Your Money Your Life, we’re deep in the back to basic series today focusing on building a positive money relationship. Discover the freedom of percentage-based budgeting with a special emphasis on “play money,” which is crucial for maintaining a stress-free, guilt-free lifestyle. Even with tight finances, prioritizing fun ensures long-term success without the burnout of feeling deprived.

I’ll address concerns about time management, showing you how to integrate budgeting smoothly into your life. If you’re struggling with shame or guilt around finances, learn how to overcome these hurdles for unstoppable financial growth. Join me for practical, empowering advice!

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Podcast Key Points

0:44 – Feeling guilty when you just wanted to skip making dinner and grab take out
1:34 – Prioritizing your play money and what that means
2:04 – Yoyo dieting doesn’t work
2:49 – Saves marriages when you have the money designated to spend
3:24 – Creating a positive money relationship

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Back to Basics Series

Today we are in a Back to Basics series. Over the next few weeks, we’ll talk through the foundational pieces that make a massive difference in your finances. This short and sweet series I’m pulling out of the Vault will help you solidify your finances and open the door to quickly see massive growth. So let’s get to it.

Budgeting Can Be Fun

If you feel you have to sacrifice everything to budget and you can’t do fun stuff if you’re budgeting, or feel guilty when you splurge on yourself, I totally get it. I remember feeling hopeless trying to budget when there wasn’t enough income to pay the bills. Like I wanted to skip making dinner and grab takeout without feeling like I was breaking a rule. We talked about how budgeting is a tool to prioritize what is important. The fun part is that it is specific to you and your life.

What is Play Money?

So we’re going to prioritize our play money. Now what the heck is your play money? This is money that is used to spend. It’s vital to any budget, especially if money is tight. We need to create a positive money relationship.

Long-Term Consistent Progress

When we prioritize our play account to spend money, you’re going to see long-term consistent progress. Your relationship with money is as important as your actual physical spending habits. Within your play account, if you’re married, you’re going to have a his money to blow and a her money to blow account. Those like two sub funds within that one make such a big difference. It’s a total marriage saver.

No Guilt, No Shame

It’s very important that we have that play money and get to do fun things. If money is tight, we’re not going to have as much to spend, but there’s no guilt or shame because it’s built into your budget. It’s a priority to go have fun and create that positive money relationship. We’re focusing on long-term gains, instead of getting some short-term wins that we end up sabotaging later. You probably get excited about spending money on yourself and making it a priority.

Making It Work

But you’re probably thinking this system sounds great, but isn’t this going to take a lot of time? You’re busy with goals and priorities. If that’s your concern, don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. We’re going to talk about how to handle that part so it actually works in a way that feels aligned and good. In the next video, you’ll learn to show up stress-free in the way you want to.

Removing Shame and Guilt

Struggling with shame and guilt around your finances? Whether it’s debt, impulse spending, or mistakes from the past, it’s time for you to work with me. There are different support levels and price points for removing guilt and shame. Your finances are unique, so your support should be too. Go to to get started with my programs or book a Q and A call with me.

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Aimee Cerka
Aimee Cerka

Money Confidence Coach - I make money simple for female business owners. By blending together simple strategies, and mindset work to simplify your money so that you can step into your unstoppable life. It's time to go beyond the numbers, so you can finally embody your ideal life. Click Here to Learn More

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