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How do you know if something is right for you? The balance between is this an emotional decision, a logical one or something in between. You’ve got a lot on your plate and figuring out one more thing might not feel feasible. Logically we know that financial literacy makes a difference, right?
Inside this episode, we’re talking about a 3 step process I use when it comes to making decisions, especially those around money confidently.
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Money Mindset Mastery Checklist – htttps://aimeecerka.com/mindset
Podcast Keypoints
0:00 – Intro
3:15 – Long Term Benefit
5:19 – Aligned With Values?
6:54 – Do You Want This Or Are You Feeling Pressure
9:14 – Recap
9:29 – Challenge
Frustrated that you aren’t making the progress that you should within your finances? Create an unshakable money mindset with the Money Mindset Mastery Checklist
Read It! Make Smart Money Decisions Confidently
How do you know if something’s right for you? The balance between, Is this an emotional decision, a logical one, or something in between?
You’ve got a lot on your plate and figuring out one more thing might not feel feasible. Logically, we know that financial literacy makes the difference right?
Inside this episode, we’re talking about a three-step process I use when it comes to making decisions, especially those around money, Confidently.
This is the Your Money Your Life podcast, where ambitious women come together to have clarity, prosperity, and confidence with their money without sacrificing precious time, and well deserve fun. So let’s do this!
Welcome to the Your Money, Your life podcast. I’m your host, Aimee Cerka.
After my husband and I faced three major financial roadblocks in the last six years, I felt like I wasn’t doing all that I could and I had let my family down. It always felt like life was a struggle like I had to work harder than everyone else. It just came easy to them, and I didn’t feel worthy of success.
Until a coach helped me see the successes in our experiences instead of our failures. This allowed me to create and implement systems to grow our network by 200,000+ while spending time with my loved ones and on my priorities. Now I help motivated women create the happiness, family life, financial security, and long-term wealth they deserve.
If you’re ready to eliminate stress, struggle, frustration, and guilt within your finances, you’re in the right place. Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!
Money Mindset Mastery Checklists
This episode of the Your Money Your Life podcast is brought to you by the Money Mindset Mastery Checklists.
Do you struggle with feeling like you’re doing all the things and it’s just not working? Or do you feel like there’s this invisible force that is holding you back from achieving your financial goals?
You’re not alone, this is actually super common. Often what we find is this invisible force or the missing piece of the puzzle is a mindset obstacle. Eliminate that and you’re back on the path to your financial goals.
Inside the Money Mindset Mastery Checklist, you’ll find 10 simple steps to create an unshakable money mindset. These 10 steps are the most common things that I see trip up motivated women who are putting in the work just like you are.
So ditch the struggle and the frustration, go grab the Money Mindset Mastery Checklist right now, visit https://aimeecerka.com/mindset, or text mindset to 817-969-4653. And the best part is, it’s absolutely free for you. So go grab it now. If you need that link. Again, it’s going to be hanging out in the show notes for you.
Long-Term Benefits of Your Money Decisions
Welcome back to another episode of Your Money Your Life podcast. I’m your host Aimee Cerka.
We are talking today about knowing if something’s right for you. We’re talking about making smart money decisions and being able to really do that in a confident manner, Okay.
So like I mentioned in the intro, there’s a three-step process that I use. And this is probably honestly going to be a shorter episode because you know, there’s three questions and we don’t really have a lot that we have to go into with those. But let’s get to it.
So the first question is this something that will benefit you long term, okay. So we talk about this often with the 24-hour rule, not making impulse spending large purchases, impulse purchases, that aren’t, that isn’t something that is going to benefit us long term. I think the 24-hour rule here really makes a big difference.
That’s also part of the reason why we open the doors for the Academy. The fast action bonuses lasted for a little bit longer than 24 hours to give you time to do that. I want you to implement what I’m teaching you and I want to respect the fact that you are doing that.
Now of course we had extra bonuses for those who are like yeah, I’m in heck yes, we’re doing this like live, but I still wanted to reward those fast action takers who did that within like a reasonable amount of time because you were able to sit there and really evaluate like, okay, is this something that will benefit me Long term? Is this like a short-term, short-term satisfaction?
The question that I’ll hear often asked is like in a different way for this to really, tangibly see this is, will this matter five years from now? Will this matter 10 years from now?
And if you could say yes like this will benefit me 5-10 years from now that I think you can answer the first question confidently so it is something that would benefit you long-term.
Aligning Choices with Your Core Values
Which brings us to the second question, is this something that aligns with your values?
Because if you hold things to be important, but you’re not honoring that with your purchases, there’s gonna be a disconnect. It’s cognitive dissonance that shows up whenever you’re making those decisions, those questions, and it’s not aligning the way that it should it you cause that friction, and the friction, when there’s friction, you’re not creating as much momentum as you want, you’re not going to see as much success as you want, you’re going to self-sabotage, you’re going to second guess yourself.
For example, another thing is, I don’t really work the weekends, you might know that by now. So whenever I make an offering, and I open the doors for the Academy, or we do like a flash sale on a product. I am not emailing you a bunch over the weekend, or closing the doors, even on a Sunday night. Because for me, Sunday is still a day of rest in a day with my family, we can close the doors on a Monday, whenever we’re kind of back into the swing of things.
Because it aligns with my values. And I realized that I had to show up and do that out of integrity. And it wasn’t until somebody had verbally said that, that I realized, okay, you know it, it doesn’t have to specifically look a specific way because the values are important here.
So, the second question was, is it something that aligns with your values?
Coping with Pressure in Decision-Making
The third one, is this something I actually want? Or am I feeling pressure?
This can be emotional pressure, physical pressure, mental pressure to make a decision. Now, yes, for example, we open the doors for the Academy. There’s the additional bonuses, which might feel like some pressure, they’re not designed to be pressure.
So I guess if you’re feeling the pressure from that, then don’t and I know I’m talking about the Academy, because it’s front of mind, we just did this. But if you’re feeling that pressure to do so.
Okay, we’re aware of an outright, we’re aware that you need that you’re feeling the pressure. So be how do you move forward from that I would try to remove that pressure if you’re changing your state. We talked about this in the money mindset makeover blueprint in regards to breakdowns.
And inside the Academy, of course, but you can do the same strategies, even if, like, it’s from the pressure that you’re feeling.
So changing your state, that means like getting outside, doing some breathing exercises, step away from it, remove distractions, do things to help you be able to recenter, refocus, whether it’s having a dance party really getting outside that vitamin D, standing outside in the grass, taking some time away and re-centering yourself almost you feel so much calmer, much more at peace, you can come back and make a clear, confident decision. Without feeling those external pressures.
Yes, sometimes we have deadlines. And if there is a deadline that you have to meet, you have to make this decision by like, I can’t just walk away from a for forever, that I would set a timer so you don’t feel like you have to constantly set your watch. But then you can also immerse yourself in the grounding process.
And I don’t think having a deadline is a bad thing because it forces us to make a decision. We can also get stuck in procrastination, when we’re when we don’t have those deadlines. So deadlines are definitely designed to help us but we have to use them to empower us.
So that was our three questions that I use when it comes to making decisions specifically about making smart money, decisions with confidence. Right?
Applying the Three-Step Process in Practice
They were first one was, Is this something that will benefit you long term? Secondly, is this something that aligns with your values? And then third, am I feeling pressure, emotional, physical, mental, etc, to make a decision now, so your challenge for today?
I want you to reflect on a decision because we’ve all done this. I can tell you mine if you want to know where we did not utilize these three steps. And we made a poor decision. And we realize in retrospect, retrospect, There we go. We should have done things differently.
A Personal Story of Unwise Choices
A quick example for myself. The vehicle that we bought, it was a 2012 Dodge Journey, we had just found out that we were pregnant with my second Wyatt, newly married with my husband, he drove a Jeep at the time, I drove a little paid-off Toyota Corolla. And we found out we were pregnant in November, and knew we were gonna have to get a vehicle, like a different vehicle, just car seats, everybody wouldn’t fit in the crawl anymore.
And we definitely wouldn’t fit in his two-door jeep. But instead of taking time and research things, things like we should the first time we went to go look at a car in December.
So I’m like, what, a month and a half, maybe two months pregnant at the time. Definitely didn’t have to rush. We ended up that we bought, we sold, we traded in his Jeep for this Dodge Journey. And I remember even leaving the dealership that night, like we were both devastated because we love the jeep.
And, you know, there might have been another alternative out there. That vehicle was not a great car.
Anyways, it wasn’t something I had originally went in to look at. We were kind of tucked into it. And I logically knew better. But I was feeling the pressure.
Mentally. Probably like, emotionally, physically from a car salesman, all of those things that like physically, verbally, fizz verbally. Yep, verbal pressure, there we go from the car salesman like to make the decision and all those things.
Turning Mistakes into Valuable Lessons
And even though logically, like I knew better, and we talked about inside the Academy, like, how to buy a car and like what things to do to make sure it’s a smart decision. And all of those things like it didn’t matter in that matter in that moment, was not thinking from a logical perspective about what to use these third questions we would have known better but if we hadn’t gone through that experience, we wouldn’t have had as good of experience as we did when we bought my expedition. Because, you know, the lesson was learned a little bit more powerfully because we had that personal experience.
If we hadn’t gone through that then all these other things wouldn’t have happened and of course, it all works out it all works out the way it’s supposed to be there’s mistakes aren’t mean the other kind of mistakes but like it’s not something to look on like negatively it’s we learned from them you either get the result you’re looking for the lesson you needed in that case, I got the lesson I need it.
Connect with Me on Instagram
So your challenge today is to share with me on Instagram at @aimeecerka when what lesson Have you learned by not applying these three questions and I can’t wait to hear how you’re going to use them in the future.
That’s it for now, we’ll see you next week for another episode of the Your Money Your Life podcast.
Thank you so much for listening to the Your Money Your Life podcast. My favorite place to hang out is on Instagram. You can find me at @aimeecerka. Send me a message or post a screenshot and tag me! I love hearing from podcast listeners
Personalized Guidance
When you’re ready to master your money, go to https://workwithaimee.com. You and I will work together to ditch financial stress and struggle for good with a customized plan that works for you, your goals, your priorities, your life. I’ll see you next time on the Your Money Your Life podcast.
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