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Would you like to make money from home even if you’ve got crazy hours, even if you have loud kids – using things that you already have around the house? If you’re saying heck yes! This episode is for you! The first peek inside the Money Magnifier Toolkit and it’s a pretty interesting option I think, so let’s do this!
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Money Masters Inner Circle Academy – https://aimeecerka.com/academy
(When doors open for the Academy the Money Magnifier Toolkit will be a bonus for those who join and that is currently the only way to access the full Toolkit)
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Frustrated that you aren’t making the progress that you should within your finances? Create an unshakable money mindset with the Money Mindset Mastery Checklist
Read It! Making More Money – Doing Laundry ????
Would you like to make money from home even if you’ve got crazy hours? Even if you have wild kids? Using the things that you already have around the house? If you’re saying heck yes, this episode is for you!
The first peek inside the Money Magnifier Toolkit and it’s a pretty interesting option, I think.
This is the Your Money Your Life podcast where ambitious women come together to have clarity, prosperity and confidence with their money without sacrificing precious time and well-deserved fun. So, let’s do this!
Welcome to the Your Money Your Life podcast. I’m your host, Aimee Cerka.
After my husband and I faced three major financial roadblocks in the last six years, I felt like I wasn’t doing all that I could and I had let my family down. It always felt like life was a struggle like I had to work harder than everyone else. It just came easy to them, and I didn’t feel worthy of success.
Until, a coach helped me see the successes in our experiences instead of our failures. This allowed me to create and implement systems to grow our network by 200,000+ while spending time with my loved ones and on my priorities. Now I help motivated women create the happiness, family life, financial security, and long-term wealth they deserve.
If you’re ready to eliminate stress, struggle, frustration and guilt within your finances, you’re in the right place. Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!
Overcoming Financial Struggles with the Money Magnifier Toolkit
This episode is a direct clip from the Money Magnifier Toolkit.
Time and time again, I’ve heard you say “If I could just increase my income, then I would be set.” So, I brought together a group of experts in a variety of fields requiring different levels of expertise, time, environment, tools, etc. so that you CAN actually make more money.
Whether you’re scaling an existing stream of income, or starting a new one that you’ve wondered if it’ll actually work for you and your situation. These experts are pulling back the curtain and telling all inside the Money Magnifier Toolkit and you get to hear an exclusive clip from one of these interviews TODAY! So, let’s dive in!
Try Hamper: A Peek Inside the Service
Hey, hey, hey! Let’s kick off our Money Magnifier Toolkit. We’re talking about a service that I haven’t tried, but this will work if you’ve got kids at home and can’t necessarily have a quiet environment. This is called “try hamper.” So of course, I’ll include links below for you to check it out.
Let see, some things about it, just quick thing, I have not tried it myself. It was something that I heard about a referral. You are washing laundry, okay.
Requirements and Considerations for Try Hamper
So, requirements that you have to have is a vehicle, a smartphone, and they have specific specifications for your washer size. It’s not something that I’m personally going to do. So, I did not like measure my washer to see. But I would think that like a normal regular sized washer would do the trick.
Some things to be aware of, you are using your washer and dryer. So, we have to factor in wear and tear on the machine. You’re using your water and your electricity.
Leveraging Free Weekends for Extra Income
So personally, like if this was something that I was going to do, I would do it only on the weekends since my electricity is currently free on the weekend. So, it’d be one less thing to worry about. But I do our laundry on the weekends, so that would affect things to how would this work.
The 24-Hour Drop Off and Return Window
For me, it’s not really a fit, but it could work well for you. The way that it works according to the website, there is a 24 hour drop off and return window. So, you get the assignment of a believing that they have an app of some sort. That you have, you’ll go pick up the laundry, it’s in a hamper of some sort, then you pick it up, take it back to your house, wash it for detergent.
They have one that they want you to use. Sounds like you do buy it so there’s some costs involved in that as well, but then you have the 24 hours to get it washed, dried, and I believe folded too if I remember correctly from checking it out on the website. And then within that 24 hours, get it returned back to the doorstep and saying hamper that it came in.
A Boon for Moms: No Need for a Quiet Environment
So like I said, this is gonna be really useful for you if you’ve got kids at home because you don’t have to worry about being quiet while you’re doing the laundry or if you’ve got odd hours, that won’t necessarily work. And also, it might be something that you want to utilize yourself as a customer later on. If you don’t want to be doing your own laundry, this would be a way to make things work.
I know might be something that you can hire out at some point too, but if it’s a service, you’ve got that taken care of also. That’s really what I’ve got on here.
Try Hamper: Making Money, Your Way
Tryhampr.com – I really loved that this does not require you to have to do it during certain hours or if you’ve got kids at home, all of those things that you can work around it and make money doing this. So like I mentioned, I haven’t personally tried it but it could be a great fit for you and that is why I wanted to include it here within this series.
So, there you go. For your information, I’ll make sure all the links are included below so you can check it out and try it for yourself!
That’s a wrap for our first Money Magnifier Toolkit teaser clip talking about this new service – ways that you can magnify making your money too. Because we can save, we can take care of our mindset, but we can really magnify our impact when we start to make more income. I love, like I said I love this works even if you’ve got kids at home that are allowed crazy hours, any of those things you could still utilize the service. That’s why I wanted to make sure that I shared it with you today for our first kickoff for the series that we’re sharing here on the Your Money Your Life podcast.
The Challenge: Explore Try Hamper for Yourself
So your challenge really today, maybe go check it out. Again, the link’s gonna be in the show notes below. See if it’s a fit for you. And if it is, I’d love to hear about your experience if this works great for you or not. We’ll see you next week for another episode of the Your Money Your Life podcast. Bye for now!
Connect with Aimee Cerka on Instagram
Thank you so much for listening to the Your Money Your Life podcast. My favorite place to hang out is on Instagram. You can find me at @aimeecerka. Send me a message or post a screenshot and tag me! I love hearing from podcast listeners.
When you’re ready to master your money, go to https://workwithaimee.com. You and I will work together to ditch financial stress and struggle for good with a customized plan that works for you, your goals, your priorities, your life. I’ll see you next time on the Your Money Your Life podcast.
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if you love today’s episode, make sure to subscribe wherever you like to listen to podcast. That way you will receive new episodes right when they are released then leave a rating and review. It helps amazing people just like you find the show faster. We’ll see you next week.