Bio: Women hire me to ditch financial stress. As a Money Confidence Coach I help them to master their money by creating confidence so that they can increase financial security, design more options, multiply their income and create a healthy relationship with money.
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Need some cushion in your bank account? Ready to stop stressing over money so you can spend more time with your kids, family and other priorities? Then you need Aimee Cerka in your corner.
Aimee is the Money Confidence Coach. She helps families to master their money and create confidence in their ability to solve the money problem. Working with Aimee will equip you to gain financial security, create options and build wealth. Aimee has been known to help you find $400 in just 6 weeks. By taking action on only 1-2 simple steps.
Clients have said Aimee "is real." Her principles and style of teaching allow you to create the financial life you dream of without living on beans and rice or ramen forever or never seeing your family because you're putting in 80 hour weeks. YOU can live your life while improving your finances!
When she's not helping Mom's become Money Masters, you can find Aimee outside with her hubby and 3 children or binging Blacklist on Netflix while trying to beat the next level of Candy Crush.
Email - for scheduling and application
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