Do You Want To Stop Stressing About Money?
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Do You Want To Stop Stressing About Money?
Are you stressed over money?
Maybe you’re in a place where you have to decide what gets paid and what has to wait.
There’s a key principle to put in place that will eliminate a lot of that stress.
No, it’s not winning the lottery.
Honestly, I wouldn’t wish that on you anyways but that’s a convo for another day.
This isn’t about making more money or saving money tips.
This is winning the battlefield as I call it.
It’s your money as a whole. The overall picture.
Watch this video because I know that this principle after you implement it will be a game-changer for you!
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YOUR ACTION STEP FOR TODAY – Implement a Money Management system. Grab the 3 Step Simple Process To Start A Budget to get the first steps. HERE
If you’re serious about making a change in your finances and wondering what the next step for you may look like, see the roadmap HERE.
You can also head over to the Resources tab to check out some of my favorite tools for success!
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Transcript of Do You Want To Stop Stressing About Money?
Who wants to stop stressing about money? Is money a stress for you?
Before I dive into that though quickly yes I did get sunburned today when we were at the park so I am going to go take a shower and put some Ocean Potion on as soon as we’re done with this because I am ready for a little bit of Aloe Vera, but wanted to also introduced myself if we’ve never met before. Hi, my name is Aimee Cerka super excited that you are joining us here today. And this is my youngest Brooklynn. She is a frequent guest for us because she likes to be with Mommy.
So, who wants to stop stressing about money, and what you need to do to stop stressing about money is have a money management system.
Why do we need to have a money management system? It’s a necessity because we have to know where our money is going.
That’s how you create that stress-free because it’s not deciding where things are going to go if you have an effective money management system. The systems in place, you don’t have to decide it’s already done for you.
You just have the work of, depending on how you set it up you might not even have the work of putting the money in the whatever category that is going towards. But there are several different things you can do to having a money management system.
There are several different things you can use there’s the jar system, envelope system, there’s both cash and virtual.
Anyways, so there’s the cash envelope you can do percentage base, you can do just like a bare minimum budget there are many different ways that you can create your money management system, but you have to have that money management system because it’s going to allow you to have so much less stress when it comes to your finances because it takes the stress of where does this need to go away from that.
If you are somebody who doesn’t have a money management system right now. I’ve got a three-step simple process to start a budget that’s going to involve creating your money management system. And I’d love to get that to you. So, if that is you please let me know below send me a message whichever you prefer. That way we can get that three-step simple process to you so that you can start a budget, and a money management system that’s going to work for you, so you can stop stressing and start enjoying your life. So with that, I think that’s pretty much it,
Your money goes into a specific category when we have our money management system. That way you’re managing your money and your money’s not managing you.
It’s really a simple principle, easy to do. Unfortunately, it’s easy not to do, but go ahead and create that money management system. If you don’t know-how. Again, grab that three-step, simple action plan to start your budget which is going to include your money management system in there. And you’re going to be in a totally different place way sooner than you could ever realize. So we will see you later. Bye.
Hey there, I hope that you found that video helpful, I’ve got a free gift that I want to make sure that I get to you. It is my three-step simple action plan to start a budget. So if you’re somebody who’s struggled to stay consistent with the budget or you don’t have one at all. This is gonna be a great place for you to get started and I’d love to get your hands on this so what you can do in order to access this, you can go directly to Or depending on where you’re watching this video there’s going to be a button directly below the video or in the description. Make sure you can go ahead and get your hands on that, and we’ll see you later. Bye.
YOUR ACTION STEP FOR TODAY – Implement a Money Management system. Grab the 3 Step Simple Process To Start A Budget to get the first steps. HERE
If you’re serious about making a change in your finances and wondering what the next step for you may look like, see the roadmap HERE.
You can also head over to the Resources tab to check out some of my favorite tools for success!

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