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How To Be Successful In Network Marketing – Part III

Today is going to be part III the final of the 3 vital keys to success. If you missed a previous part, you can find them here Part I and Part II.

But before we dive in here’s a quick recap…

95% of business owners fail. You probably knew that. If you’re in business specifically in Network Marketing I’m sure there are handfuls of people who can’t believe that you would get involved in a business where you have to harass your friends and family.

Well… A good business owner isn’t going to harass your friends and family. There is another way to do business that you can develop leads and sales coming to you on a regular basis AND you don’t have to spend a ton of money on ads to be successful.

The vital keys to success were Build – Engage – Sale. We covered build in part I and engage in part II.

Let’s dive into Sale.

This is the part that everyone wants to jump to…

The sale, making money!

But without knowing your customers and fulfilling a need they have, it isn’t going to happen. Don’t forget everyone loves to buy but no one likes to be sold. I have 3 simple tips for you to remember when you are going to close a sale.

  1. WIIFM – “What’s In It For Me” That is what your prospect is thinking. So don’t tell them how this sale will help you hit your next rank, honestly, it doesn’t matter to them. Talk about the benefits that THEY will receive by purchasing your product/service/opportunity.
  2. Get Their Permission – Flat out ask them if you can share what you have – if they’re not open they aren’t open, move on to someone who is open to taking a look at what you have to offer. Don’t beat horses who aren’t willing to take a drink! For example – “If I could show you a way to achieve (insert results) without (all the stuff they don’t like) would you be open to taking a look?”
  3. Time Sensitive – This one is a little tricky because we’ve all seen a sale that was limited time offer that sticks around FOREVER. If your prospect has seen you do this then you have lost credibility… So if you can genuinely add a time limit to your offer, do it! Another way to utilize this tip is in follow up. If your prospective client needs to think about it to make a decision set a specific time to get back with them. I’ll call you in a couple of days isn’t specific and isn’t as professional either. Your time is valuable! They need to respect your time! Even if your calendar is wide open and you aren’t talking to anyone else or have anything else to do. You need to set a specific time. By creating that habit of professionalism your prospective client will take you more seriously.

If you found this helpful… then YOU want A HEAD START so you can stop wasting time and start attracting leads to you – check out this freebie! ⬇️

YOUR ACTION STEP FOR TODAY – Check out the freebie above ⬆️ Then I would love for you to connect with me on social media. I want to hear what you are working on and if this has helped you. You can also head over to the Resources tab to check out some of my favorite resources.

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Aimee Cerka
Aimee Cerka

Money Confidence Coach - I make money simple for female business owners. By blending together simple strategies, and mindset work to simplify your money so that you can step into your unstoppable life. It's time to go beyond the numbers, so you can finally embody your ideal life. Click Here to Learn More

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